Madonna University Welcomes You!

We are excited to support you in your important role of guiding students into the next stage of their lives. On this page we have resources 和 links to provide you with the information you need about Madonna University. There is also a link to sign up for a group tour if you are interested in bringing a group of your students to campus.

We invite you to create a profile on Slate.org! Being in Slate grants you access to see which of your students have applied to Madonna University 和 what their admission 状态是. Additionally, you’re able to share their transcript directly with us through 这个平台. 



undergraduate, graduate, 和 doctoral degrees 和 certifications.


of the student body receives scholarships 和 grants.


男人的 & 女子大学代表队.


Students interested in applying for undergraduate admission to Madonna University are required to submit the following:

  • 完成 online application for undergraduate admissions
  • Official high school transcript (final transcript after graduation with graduation 发布日期)
  • ACT/SAT score(s), if applicable
  • AP, IB test score(s), if applicable
  • Dual Enrollment/college transcript, if applicable

Below you can find documents that we provide to students on visits to our campus or 在大学博览会上.  We encourage you to use these in order to learn more about Madonna 和 to share with your students!

We’ve included them here for your use to download 和 even print out in your office! 



Below is more information on Campus Life, 学生组织, 和 社区服务 机会. 


A great education is closer than you think!

安娜堡- 30分钟
芝加哥,伊利诺伊州- 4.5个小时
底特律- 30分钟
大急流城- 2.4个小时
卡拉马祖- 2小时
兰辛- 1.3个小时
托莱多,OH - 1.1小时
特拉弗斯城- 4小时

Schedule an Individual Visit

Call the Office of Undergrad 招生 at 734-432-5339

Madonna University Visits You

If you are unable to travel to campus, keep in mind that Madonna University travels in the fall 和 spring to high schools 和 cities.